Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pamplona, Spain

Dates: 7/6/09-7/10/09

Transportation: You will take a flight from Valencia at 7:40 P.M. with one lay-over and arrive at Pamplona at 10:20 P.M. on the sixth. During your stay in Pamplona you should be able to walk everywhere u need to go because of the proximities of all the events and places to your hotel. If you need to go somewhere Pamplona has public buses going to most places of interest.

Geography: Pamplona is an elegent city with many examples of traditional Spanish architecture. It is surrounded by a very mountainous area of Northern Spain. It is on the right bank of the Arga river which is a tributary to the Ebo River. Pamplona is less than 60 miles from France's border with Spain.

Climate: Pamplona has decently hot summers with the temperature ranging from 80 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Like Valencia, Pamplona shares dry summers.

Stay: You will be staying in Hotel La Perla for your visit to Pamplona. This is the same hotel that Hemingway would stay in When he would come for the Running of Bulls. It is located along the path that the bulls take for the run near the center square of the city. For four nights this will cost 984 euro ($1,333)

Activities: 1. You will be in Pamplona at the same time as Hemingway was many years ago. Like Hemingway, you will also get to view the famed event that they call the Running of Bulls.
It begins on the seventh of July, which will be your first actual day there. The bulls run everyday at 8 A.M. Festivities follow and the streets of Pamplona become dense with people. You will be able to View this from your hotel, or you can step outside and join the excitement.
2. You will also visit Hemingway's private balconey that he viewed the Running of Bulls from the La Perla Hotel. This is where Hemingway and his friends spent their mornings of the festival watching the run.
3. The third thing that you will want to see is a Mascletá. This is a huge fireworks event that happens everyday of the festival at 2 P.M. in Pamplona's main square. This will also be viewable and auditory from your hotel.

Language: The language you will be hearing most in Pamplona is Spanish, which is the official language of Spain.

Government: Pamplona is also in Spain so it has the same Parlimentary Democracy government as Valencia and the rest of the country.

Time Difference: Pamplona is seven hours ahead of Oak Park, Illinois.(+7)

Currency: Pamplona uses the official currency of Spain, the Euro.
1 Euro= 1.35 U.S. Dollars

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